Sublease Agreement Template

A sublease is a rental contract between the tenant on a property that agrees to sublet to a subtenant. This usually requires permission from the landlord unless allowed in the tenant’s lease. Under a sublease, the tenant is directly liable for the actions of the subtenant. For example, if the subtenant violates any part of the agreement it is up to the tenant, not the landlord, to send notices and handle any possible eviction. Therefore, it is recommended that the tenant require all subtenants to complete a rental application before signing an agreement.

Landlord’s Consent to Sublet – Use to obtain permission from the landlord if subletting is prohibited in the tenant’s lease.

What is a Sublease?

A sublease or sublet is when a person who is currently under a lease re-rents the same property and space to someone else (“subtenant”). The landlord must agree and consent to any sublease or subletting situation not approved on the original lease.

By State

By Type (3)

Commercial Sublease Agreement

Office Sublease Agreement

Residential Sublease Agreement

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