Legal Aspects of Dental Practice Acquisition

Ready to buy a dental practice ? The legal aspects can make or break your acquisition’s success.

Hire a Good Dental Transition Attorney

As a dentist, you know the value of specialization. The entire dental field is based on funneling the right cases to the right doctor for the job. So, you would think every dentist who buys a dental practice would use an experienced attorney who specializes in helping dentists buy dental practices. Right?

Many dental practice buyers make one of the following two mistakes:

  1. “Save money” and rely on the seller’s lawyer.
  2. Use a lawyer they know personally, but who lacks experience to represent them in one of the most important (and costly!) career decisions of their life.

Legal Aspects of Dental Acquisitions

Let’s look at all of the legal aspects to a dental practice acquisition, starting with a letter of intent and going all the way through closing.

  1. Letter of intent. You issue a letter of intent to initially engage the seller
  2. Purchase agreement . This is the main legal document that outlines the terms of the acquisition. It should be reviewed by lawyers on both sides and include details like purchase price, assets included, representations and warranties, closing conditions, etc.
  3. Due diligence. The buyer will want to conduct due diligence to verify the seller’s representations about the practice. This includes reviewing financial records, patient records, leases, employee agreements, regulatory compliance, etc.
  4. Transfer of assets. Proper legal documentation is required to transfer assets like patient records, equipment, and inventory to the buyer. Patient consent may be needed to transfer records. An asset purchase agreement (APA) is your best friend here.
  5. Real estate. If the practice owns the office space, the real estate transaction needs to be handled properly including title search, transfers, financing, and more.
  6. Licenses and permits. The buyer will need to apply for transfer of all licenses and permits required to operate the practice. Local zoning approvals may also be needed.
  7. Closing. Your attorney will be heavily involved in the closing process and all the documentation involved.
  8. Post-acquisition. You may encounter legal issues after closing on your practice. Good thing you have an established relationship with a great attorney.

Letter of Intent

A letter of intent (LOI) is a non-binding document that outlines the main terms and conditions under which two parties plan to enter into a future business agreement. While not legally binding, a LOI demonstrates the serious intent of both parties to move forward with a transaction.

In the context of acquiring a dental practice, a letter of intent covers:

The LOI allows both parties to clarify intentions and major deal points upfront before spending time and money on a definitive purchase agreement. It can also help prevent misunderstandings down the road.

While an LOI is not a substitute for a legally binding purchase contract and does not guarantee a deal will be completed, it is an important step in the acquisition process. It provides a framework for lawyers to draft the formal purchase agreement while deal negotiations continue.

Purchase Agreement

A dental practice purchase agreement outlines the specific terms, conditions, representations, and warranties that the buyer and seller agree upon regarding all aspects of the dental practice transition.

Key concerns addressed in the agreement include:

An experienced attorney plays a crucial role in reviewing, drafting, and negotiating the purchase agreement on your behalf. Your attorney looks out for your best interest in the areas of risk management, tax considerations, financing, and regulatory issues.

The attorney also you on strengths and weaknesses of the proposed terms compared to industry norms for dental practice acquisitions. With complex dental practice transitions , your is key to achieving a fair agreement and successful result.

Dental Practice Due Diligence

As a dental-specific CPA firm, we guide you through the due diligence process and evaluate the practice’s financials. There are a few due diligence areas where it’s good to have an attorney’s help as well.

Here are the due diligence aspects where an attorney can be invaluable:

We’re an invaluable part of your team as well. We help in the due diligence process in the following ways:

Transfer of Assets

When you buy a practice, a whole lot of different types of assets come with it. Your attorney’s job is to make sure those assets are transferred totally and legally so you have no issues down the road.

All of this stuff gets pretty complex; you definitely don’t want to be handling it yourself.

Real Estate

We recommend treating the real estate acquisition as a separate deal and evaluating it on its own merits.

If you decide to acquire the property the practice occupies, an attorney can help in the following ways:

Licenses and Permits

There are a lot of licensing and permit requirements involved in running a dental practice, and they’ll all need to be transferred from the seller to you. Here’s how an attorney can help:


Congratulations, you’re at the final stretch of your dental practice purchase process! The documentation and closing phase is where it all comes together. Your attorney reviews all the purchase contracts, leases, employment agreements, and other documents. They make sure the terms fully protect your interests as the buyer before signing.

  1. They confirm financing, licenses, permits, and any other contingencies are satisfied. No unwanted surprises!
  2. The attorney oversees the asset transfer details: patient records, equipment, inventory, etc. They ensure legal requirements are met.
  3. On closing day, the attorney coordinates everything. They manage signature and notarization of documents, distribution of final copies, and disbursement of funds.

Having an attorney handle these closing logistics reduces your risk and liability. You can feel confident that all aspects are handled correctly.

Post-Acquisition Legal Counsel

You’ve successfully crossed the finish line of dental mergers and acquisitions, but guess what? The legal guidance doesn’t stop once you’ve purchased the practice. Attorneys continue helping in key ways:

Your attorney remains a valuable partner after acquisition. They ensure your legal foundations stay strong as the practice grows and changes. Their ongoing counsel reduces liability and helps the business thrive in the long run.

How Can I Accurately Value a Practice I’m Considering?

We’ve covered the legal aspects of practice acquisition, but what about the crucial valuation step? That’s where we help. We’re experts in dental practice valuation .

Here are some of the aspects that we consider when helping you value a practice:

  1. Financial valuation . We look hard at the practice’s financials, including net income, collections, expenses, and more.
  2. Market factors such as competition, demographics , and the economy.
  3. Qualitative factors such as goodwill and brand recognition.

Along with dental attorneys, we’re a key part of your advisory board. As an experienced CPA and dental acquisition expert, Brian will help you conduct a thorough analysis of a practice’s quantitative and qualitative factors to arrive at a solid approximation of what it’s worth to you.

Contact our team for a free consultation today!