Each University System institution shall verify the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted person applying for resident tuition status and of every person admitted to an institution referenced in Section 4.1.6 of this Policy Manual.
A person who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible for admission to any University System institution which, for the two most recent academic years, did not admit all academically qualified applicants (except for cases in which applicants were rejected for non-academic reasons).
Based on these policies, an enrollment flag will prevent enrollment for anyone who has been admitted, but has not provided proof of lawful presence.
Instructions for providing proof of lawful presence:
If you have already completed and submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and named UGA as a recipient, then you may not need to take further action. Students who are either U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens (does not apply to international students on a visa) for federal student aid purposes can submit a FAFSA. For citizenship confirmation purposes, UGA will need to receive your processed FAFSA data from the U.S. Department of Education confirming your citizenship status by May 1. UGA will receive notification of this at the same time that you will receive the electronic Acknowledgement Form from the U.S. Department of Education which is usually 3-5 days following your electronic submission of the FAFSA or approximately 3 weeks following a paper FAFSA submission. If you are not an immigrant on a visa, do not submit a FAFSA or the FAFSA process does not confirm your citizenship status, you will need to provide citizenship documentation to us. The following documents may be used for verification purposes. Copies may be sent to gradadm@uga.edu. Only one document is required.
If you are not currently a U.S. citizen and you are not residing in the U.S. or if you are present in the U.S. as a U.S. permanent resident, you must submit alternative documentation to prove your lawful presence in the U.S.
We will be able to confirm lawful presence through the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Student and Exchange Information System (SEVIS) for students on an F, J or M visa. These students will need to attend a mandatory immigration check in with the International student, Scholar and Immigration Services Office, and present to them the following documents:
Students holding alternate visa statuses that allow study will need to check in with the International student, Scholar and Immigration Services Office, and present to them the following documents:
Students who are in the process of applying for U.S. permanent residency (“green card”) may show the following documents:
NOTE: Individuals holding F-2, B-1 or B-2 status are prohibited from studying in the U.S. Students on a dependent status may only hold that dependent status until they turn 21 years of age; after 21, they must have their own independent visa status. This requirement applies to all newly admitted students at the University of Georgia beginning Fall 2011 including students who have been previously enrolled at UGA and are returning to a degree program or applying for a new degree program. If you have specific questions regarding your registration flag or your documentation, please contact gradadm@uga.edu.